Saturday, October 29, 2016

I Dreamt and Dreamt About You: A Homage To My Beloved Israel

I Dreamt and Dreamt About You
A Homage to my Beloved Israel
Born oceans away                                                 
Years after you became
Your name played music                                 
On my lips un-kissed
The taste of milk and honey                           
I chanted your hymn by heart                         
On occasions joyous and sad                           
Stood before your wavering flag
Loving you blindly in sight                                
Your spirit enamored my heart                      
Tales twirled, snapshots danced                      
In my fresh and fertile mind                           
I put you on a pedestal                                    
Blowing mighty wind
Of freedom, courage, and hope                        
In the Hora holding hands
The tunes swept my feet
Like feathers of doves in flight
The voice, lyrics, and notes
Pierced my soul from within

I dreamt and dreamt about you...                   
The time came to be with you                         
Today I am here                                             
This miracle, I cannot believe!                       
The dream fell short of real                             
Today I know you with my eyes                     
Your sky is bluer than sapphires                     
Your land is hot, red, and fertile
The pigments of life, love, and fire                       
Your wind breathes an ocean breeze                    
Desert dust, honeybush
Scents of spring, ancient and fresh                    
Your sun blinds the eyes                      
Igniting all that is holy and divine                   
I hear your voice in children’s play       
In street greetings, blessings, and cheers           
From young and old, from far and near          
In your coveted soil
All live with freedom and pride                   
You amaze the world                                       
You are big, not small                                    
You shine a light of hope and shalom             
To all nations, faraway lands
To your friends, supporters, and even your foes         
I dreamt and dreamt about you...                   
The time came to be with you                         
Today I am here                                             
This miracle, I cannot believe!                                    
You’re primal and you’re novel                         
You’re are wise and you’re bold 
In all seasons you thrive                    
You’re blue, white, gold, and true                    
You ignite the soul of every Jew                     
Your gates are open to all your kind                 
You are first to come, to rescue and cure           
The bereaved, the weak, the lost, or fragile
With compassion, kindness, and justice            
You Shine a Light on Humankind                        
The many foes you face                                  
With strength, you endure 
With faith, you believe                
Your unfathomable knowledge and will         
Beats the sword, the stone, and the missile 
You stand proud when others shout                
Your past is an anchor
You know who you are          
The horrors have gone from the body, not the mind      
Never again will you bow, submit or renounce.          
I dreamt and dreamt about you...                   
The time came to be with you                         
Today I am here                                             
This miracle, I cannot believe!                       
As my days with you increase                        
The honeymoon, the dream all gone            
My senses find delight in real-time                 
My love matures; you are not perfect, just true
As a mother and her child, I love you as you are
Only you turn deserts into orchards
Your soil is blessed, growing crops of all types
Your trees bear fruits, nectars of delight
Dates that melt in my mouth, pomegranates so red,
Nourishment and succulence in my mouth                                                               
It is no wonder that in your land                     
I find refuge, shelter, enjoyment, and pride      
I can be who I am, and my head I hold high
In this Our Holy Land
I acknowledge Our Creator, The Divine          
I pray that thy soil be safe                               
Thy inhabitants know brotherhood and peace 
You, Beacon of Light and Hope
If there is one thing I know         
You will always BE under Divine Decree             
Your flag will wave the world SHALOM!

The end.




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