Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ulpan Update

Ulpan Update
I am thrilled of my registration to attend "Ulpan Gordon," one of the largest Hebrew language schools in Israel. I start on May 1st!!  

My placement test revealed that I am a level A ++, not quite a B.  However, I was a bit disappointed that they do not have space in my level, and I have had to compromise between two levels. This caused the class schedule to a bit hectic, but doable. For that reason, I decided to look into the alternative Ulpan Neve Tzedek, and booked a placement test, supposedly today.  To my dismay, when I showed up at the scheduled time, the door was locked. There was another student, and we both ran the bell. In no time, a woman appeared saying the Ulpan was closed until the end of Passover. I assured her that her staff had booked me in. Not knowing what to say, she invited us both into her office. She confirmed that my name was in fact on the list, but failed to justify why I was misinformed. I felt frustrated, disappointed and even angry, but then decided to let it go. Things like this are very common in Israel. I find that every person has a different version of things, is often misleading, and everyone knows better than the other.  Here, everything goes, and if you dont go along with it, then it becomes your problem.  Welcome to Israel!

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