Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Introducing My Living the Dream Blog, Israel 2016

Dear Readers,

I decided to launch this blog by popular demand, as many of you, my dear friends, expressed an interest in hearing about my journey adapting to my new life in Israel. I am hoping that this blog will serve three purposes:
  1. I have no doubt that I will be benefitting from the habit of journaling and reflecting on my experiences.
  2. I wish to create a bridge of regular communication with family and friends.
  3. I wish to bring a little piece of Israel to you to inform you and inspire you.

My posts will be casual, spontaneous and free flowing, bearing in mind that my main motivation is to connect with you and offer you a small window through which you can visit my world of experience in the Holy Land.

Feel free to comment and let me know that you are with me in this journey.

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